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이번 부트캠프는 현지시간 7월 13일부터 19일까지 일주일 동안 열린다.

Ethereum Foundation의 거의 모든 사람들이 포함됩니다. Vitalik Buterin, 물론 Vlad Zamfir, Nick Johnson, Alex Van de Sande 등이 예정대로 진행됩니다.

While most are packing for the beach, ethereum developers are packing for the Cornell Computing and Information Science classrooms where a week-long coding bootcamp is to take place from the 13th to the 19th of July.

Attendance includes almost everyone from the Ethereum Foundation. Vitalik Buterin, of course, but also Vlad Zamfir, Nick Johnson, Alex Van de Sande and others, according to the schedule.

They are joined by the IC3 team, including Ittay Eyal, Ari Juels, Andrew Miller and Elaine Shi. We can’t find Emin Gün Sirer on the list, so he will be missing on so much fun, including white-hat blockchain hacks.

This is similar to the underhanded contest where coders try and fool everyone with seemingly harmless looking but actually pretty harmful code. The IC3 one, however, seems more focused on StoreJ and Oraclize.

Other tasks include implementing “a simple but provably secure blockchain protocol without proof-of-work,” which only leaves proof of stake presumably, but who knows what the coders will come up with.

Ah, of course, off-line payment channels. “Using Trusted Execution Environments (TEEs) one can achieve point-to-point payments and payment routing over multiple hops chained together, all without monitoring the blockchain.”

That translates to hardware based payment channels which communicate with each other without having all of its transactions on the blockchain. It was developed for bitcoin, but we’ll see if it can be useful for ethereum too.

They’ll have fun activities as well, like “excursions to local gorges,” but much of their time will be spent with Phil Daian to “increase our understanding of secure smart contract development by exposing its challenges in a lab setting, while providing team members with knowledge on how to attack and defend smart contracts.”

IC3’s last year bootcamp.

A real fun activity may be The Town Crier, “an “Oracle” service based on trusted hardware” which can provide “on-chain proof that a certain website actually delivered a message of a particular form at a particular time.” It’s use may give us some interesting datafeeds based applications.

Such as perhaps a smart contract that allows you to bet on whether it will be sunny or cloudy tomorrow with payments automatically made based on data from weather.com so that we can check whether to dip down the beach or to the cinema.

출처 : http://www.trustnodes.com/2017/07/07/ethereum-developers-pack-bags-cornell-bootcamp

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